Saturday, August 15, 2009
Final Preparation
Place the hose grommet in the hole then attach the hose to the pipe. The hookah is now ready to smoke - we advise sucking gently to start with so the tobacco or molasses heats gently, sucking too hard will result in the top molasses burning which will taint the rest of if with a charred taste. Long gentle draws will help the heat pass through the tobacco. Don’t forget to take in some normal air every now and then to make smoking enjoyable, too much of anything can be sickly. For best effect we recommend smoking with friends, after all the best ingredient to any gathering is good friends. |
Further tips |
Foil and Air Holes |
Every 10-15 minutes use the toothpick to poke the holes again, these will become blocked when the molasses starts to cook, blocked holes will give you a horrible burnt tastes and make you choke. This is probably the most common reason a smoking session starts to go wrong. |
Heat transfer to your pipe |
Some hookah may keep hold heat passed from the charcoal and in tern heat the smoke passing through. If you find your smoke is no longer cool and even warm try the following. After a couple of long smokes (1 1/2 hours) you can run the whole metal part of the pipe under a cold shower or tap to make it cold. A really cold pipe makes for a very good cool smoke, a warm pipe will produce warm smoke which isn’t anywhere near as nice. Ice or ice water in the base makes for a very cool smoke. None Tobacco Molasses - If you're new to hookah shisha, try herbal molasses first as they're easier to get a quick result from. Its also a good appetiser before you move onto the tobacco based molasses. Herbal molasses burns out quicker so use less charcoal to start with. Mixing 10g tobacco molasses with a 50g pack of soex gives a great smoke and helps prevent it burning. None tobacco brands : Soex and High Life Herbal Tobacco Based Molasses - Generally have a shredded appearance. Use a medium sized piece of charcoal with thick foil or 2 thin sheets of foil. Tobacco Brands : Nakhla, Afzal, Al Fakher, Al Masa, El Henawi Leafy tobacco brands like nakhla tend to be stronger tobacco Gungy Tobacco Basesd Molasses like Afzal and Al falher tend to be smoother and milder - These look pureed. They can take longer to get going but often give a much better smoke. You may need to use a big piece of charcoal or 2 pieces to get the molasses going, once its going you can take 1 piece off once its smoking ok. |
Storing your shisha molasses |
Often the juice in the tobacco based molasses can sink to the bottom, give it a good mix before you take any out to put in the clay bowl. That way your not using dry tobacco from the top of the pack. When you open a large pack of tobacco we recommend putting it in an air tight container to prevent it drying out, the container will also make it easier when you mix it. An old glass jam jar is recommended over plastic tuppa ware. |
Charcoal |
Quick Light - Light the charcoal and wait about 1 minute after it has stopped sparkling before placing it on the foil. If you place the charcoal on too early you’ll be smoking the charcoal fumes before you get any flavour, wait until it has stopped sparkling or smoking. Natural Charcoal - Natural charcoal is preferred by experienced shisha smokers as it does not contains chemicals which may taint the flavour of the smoke. Natural charcoal takes longer to light but its worth the wait. You can light it on your cooker or using a torch lighter. Wait until it is glowing before placing it on the charcoal. |
Dehydration |
Drink plenty of water when your smoking as the smoke will make your mouth dry. Mild tea made with fresh mint leaves is a favourite in the Arab world. Smoking continuously usually results in not being able to taste the flavour after a few minutes. Drinking mild tea, coffee or water with a smoke means after each sip of your chosen drink the flavour of the smoke is back again. If you find yourself feeling tired the following day it will most certainly be down to not drinking enough when smoking for several hours, sometimes referred to as a "hookah hangover" . |
Lighting the charcoal

Quick Light - Light the charcoal and wait about 1 minute after it has stopped sparkling before placing it on the foil if you are using self igniting charcoal on the foil. If you place the charcoal on too early you’ll be smoking the charcoal fumes before you get any flavour, wait until it has stopped sparkling or smoking. Natural Charcoal - Natural charcoal is preferred by experienced shisha smokers as it contains no chemicals which may taint the flavour of the smoke. Natural charcoal takes longer to light but its worth the wait. You can light it on your cooker or using a torch lighter. Wait until it is glowing before placing it on the charcoal. When you first start smoking your hookah, try placing the charcoal on the outside of the bowl and working it around the edges of the bowl. The centre of the bowl should be the last place your charcoal is placed. Use a large wind cover to prevent the charcoal falling off in case someone knocks your pipe. A wind cover also preserves charcoal by keeping the heat from escaping. |
Preparing of chilam.

Preparing the molasses (Chilam)

If you're new to using a hookah shisha pipe try a small amount of tobacco first to practice getting it right. Place the tobacco into the clay bowl. We recommend about 8-10g of tobacco per smoke if you have a large pipe. Break up the tobacco rather than putting it in and covering the holes in the clay bowl fully.
how to assamble shisha and make it ???

Preparing your pipe |
Its best to clean your pipe straight after using it, that way the smoke in the metal stem doesn't have time to dry which makes it harder to clean. Plus the last thing you want to be doing when your looking forward to a smoke with your friends is cleaning your pipe. A dry pipe and hose gives a better smoke. Make sure your pipe is clean or you'll start to get a horrible taste with each smoking session. Use soft brushes to clean the pipe and base bottle. Fill the glass base so approximately 1 inch of the metal tube is submerged below the water line. The area left above this is where the smoke will mix with air and cool further. Too much water makes it hard to suck the smoke through and leaves little space left for the smoke to mix with air resulting in much stronger smoke. Attach the pipe onto the bottle as above. The metal pipe is not to be confused with the hose, see image above. To enhance the flavour of the smoke, try mixing cola, lemon juice, orange juice when using the same flavoured tobacco., or some other flavours into the water in your glass base. |
Is shisha bad for Health?

Shisha has been around for hundreds of years initially originating from the middle east. Over the last few years it has been rising in popularity in the western world. So for those of you who dont know ashisha is an instrument used for smokingflavoured tobacco. When inhaled the smoker, can get a feel for the aroma and flavour within the tobacco. This experience is similar to smelling the aroma from aromatherapy oils.
Now to the question, is shisha bad for you? There is a lot of debate in this area as some argue it is harmful to smokers whereas others say it is not harmful. However after looking for research I believe that furthur study is needed.
The tobacco used is mixed with a particular flavour. Flavours available range from cola to liquorice. Double apple is known for being a favourite amongst shisha smokers. Theshisha consists of a glass base, which is filled with water, (it can also be filled with milk to produce more dense smoke) a clay bowl which is where the shisha is placed and a pipe to smoke though. The clay bowl at the top of the shisha is covered with foil (with tiny holes to aid the heating of the tobacco) and then coal is placed on to of the foil to heat the tobacco. When the smoker inhales through the pipe, the smoke produced from the heated tobacco is drawn through the water and through the pipe. The smoke, in most cases is very smooth, with a fruity taste. Many first time smokers also state that they feel light headed after 10-15 minutes of smoking. A typical session can last anywhere from 50 minutes to three hours, and many see shisha as a means for socialising.
The question at hand relating to whether shisha is actually bad for you has been debated.
The supporters of shisha claim that when the smoke is taken through the water, the majority of carcogenic materials, tar and nicotine are filtered out of the smoke and thus the result is very little, damaging material. But they agree that if the smoke is inhaled into the lungs, then some ill affects may occur, that are typically associated with smoking. This is due to the fact that the lungs are very delicate organs that can be very easily damaged. Furthermore in some shisha cafes, the pipes are not cleaned appropriately and the shishas are not cleaned regularly and this can bring up new health affects that are passed through bacterial or viral particles from person to person.
The other side, state that although their may by very negligible amounts of dangerous chemicals inhaled, the fact that a shisha session can last up to 3 hours means that a smoker can take in the same amount of damaging substances as in 20 cigarettes. Some individuals have also rubbished the theory that the water filters out all the harmful chemicals as normal water cannot do this, and does not have this filtering property when used in a shisha device.
Many shisha smokers claim that shisha is not addictive but rather it is the social aspect that brings them back for more. Others claim that shisha can be very addictive and the social aspect is only an excuse to smoke shisha. Because of the recent rise in shishacafes, and the number of shisha smokers in the west increasing. It is only a matter of time before in-depth research is carried out into the area and a conclusion is made.
The recent smoking ban in England has caused the closure of many shisha cafes throughout England, and has had a very damaging effect on the business’s. Shishacafes are only allowed to serve shisha to customers if they are smoked outside of the premise. But with the winter months approaching it is predicted that there will be a fall in the number of customers due to the cold temperatures. There were many petitions to keep shisha cafes exempt from the ban but they were unsuccesfull.

History of Shisha (Huqa).

Middle East:
Arab world
In the Arab world, people smoke it as part of their culture and traditions. Social smoking is done with a single or double hose, and sometimes even more numerous such as a triple or quadruple hose in the forms of parties or small get-togethers. When the smoker is finished, either the hose is placed back on the table signifying that it is available, or it is handed from one user to the next, folded back on itself so that themouthpiece is not pointing at the recipient. Another tradition is that the recipient taps or slaps the previous smoker on the back of the hand while taking it, as a sign of respect or friendship. It has been recorded that the Arabs are the biggest shisha smokers in the World and have the most shisha Cafes.
In cafés and restaurants, however, it is common for each smoker to order an individual hookah, as the price is generally low, ranging from USD 3 to USD 25.
Most cafés (Arabic: مقهىً, transliteration: maqhah, translation: coffeeshop) in the Middle East offer shishas. Cafés are widespread and are amongst the chief social gathering places in the Arab world (akin to public houses in Britain). Some expatriate Britons arriving in the Middle East adopt shisha cafés to make up for the lack of pubs in the region, especially where prohibition is in place.